Ελληνική έκδοση | English Version

Mavin has the capacity to recycle a number of protein-rich industrial by-products like brewer’s yeast (bierhefe), brewer’s spent grains (biertreber), whey powder (molkepulver), whey (molke), wheat bran (weizenkleie), malt germs (malzkeime), rice flour (reisschleifmehl), starch modified wheat flour (aufgeschlossener weizen gemalhen). These products are widely used as food supplements for animals like cows, pigs, horses, pets and fish. 

Mavin's raw materials are mainly obtained from the largest brewery in Greece, Athinaiki Zithopia SA (makers of Heineken, Amstel) but also from the Hellenic Breweries of Atalanti

Mavin collaborates with the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas and the National Agricultural Research Foundation for extensive research on feeding its products to fish. 

Mavin's ecologic profile
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